

Page history last edited by Steve Witham 14 years, 4 months ago


List of APIs, platforms, tools, etc. that might be useful in creating projects.


Know of a useful resource?  Add it here!  Use the "request access" button on the right to get signed on.


Workshop APIs & Platforms / Participating Organizations


7digital.com is an online music store operating in over 16 countries. We offer more than 10 million high quality DRM free MP3s (320kbps) from all major labels and wide range of idependent labels and distributors. 7digital API will give you access to the full catalogue including high quality album art, 30s preview clips for all tracks, commissions on sales, integrated purchasing and full length streaming. More details


MusicBrainz: See the hack day introduction page on the MusicBrainz wiki


The Echo Nest API

The Echo Nest offers an API for music search, discovery, playlisting, recommendations, news, reviews, blogs, audio, video, analytics, content analysis and remixing.  To get started, register for an API Key,  browse the API documentation then check out our resources page for code examples and to find a client library in your favorite language.  For more info contact Paul@echonest.com


musiXmatch API


It’s a fact that lots of people frequently search for lyrics. They want to have the lyrics of their favorite songs on their mp3 player, on their home media center and in any application or device that plays, recommends, discovers or identifies music.

To satisfy this need musiXmatch has licensed millions of lyrics and has created a simple and straightforward way to help you integrate this valuable content into whatever kind of service you have in mind. And it’s ready today.


musiXmatch API KEY REG :  http://developer.musixmatch.com/

musiXmatch API DOCS & SDK http://developer.musixmatch.com/wiki

help&support email dev (at ) musixmatch. com or apisupport (at) musixmatch.com 

twitter : @musixmatch



Songkick API

The Songkick API gives you easy access to the biggest live music database in the world: over 1.6 million upcoming and past concerts and over 100,000 setlists… and growing every day! During the hack day, you can use the key "musichackdayboston" or request a key. More hack day resources over here and for support check our mailing list.


Non-workshop APIs & Platforms / Participating & Remote Organizations


Ticketfly is the fastest-growing, independent ticketing and social marketing platform. Ticketfly offers event promoters and venues next-generation ticketing and powerful website and social marketing tools, saving them time and money.


Ticketfly’s API  is available for commercial or non-commercial use to approved sites. It offers event promoters, venues, app-builders, and music-loving innovators our comprehensive ticketing information, artist info and social marketing tools. Requests to the Ticketfly API Services are all RESTful. That means you can easily construct request URLs that will work in your browser, on the command line, and in your code. Responses to Ticketfly API requests are rendered in JSON or XML. To guarantee that results are returned in the expected format, you should specify the format (“.json” or “.xml”) in the request URL.


  • This is a read-only feed and open without auth, but please add apiref=hackday to your requests.
  • We have Twitter Handles for many of the artists and venues.
  • We have Facebook Event IDs for many of the events.


Check out The Troubadour  or its iPhone App  to see it in action.

Ticketfly API Documentation


Other Tools, Platforms and APIs


Python Midi Package, by Max M, reads and writes Standard MIDI files.


VexFlow is a "pre-pre-alpha" open-source JavaScript music notation (including tabs) API.  It renders in the browser to HTML 5 Canvas or SVG.


Abjad is a Python music notation API and shell layered on LilyPond.


The Canoris API provides high and low level audio analysis, content based similarity search, singing voice synthesis and voice transformations. Canoris is a collaborative effort by the Music Technology Group, BMAT, and Yamaha.


BAMM.tv provides full 1080p videos of live music performances in our SF studio.  We are offering our library of content to the hackathon.  In addition to http://bamm.tv you can browse videos on YouTube and Facebook.  Contact us here for more info.  Here are some recent favorites to get the creative juices flowing:

Con Brio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_TYdSJv7sQ)
Ha Ha Tonka (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huPaMJU2Yvg)
The Blank Tapes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5osFKjczD3I)
Or, The Whale (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUkiMA-AXFI)
The Shants (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvAOiFvyEuo)
The Constellations (Live at SXSW) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTV7sv-sS1s)
Terry Poison (Live at SXSW) (http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=106962646001186)


The Samchillian tip tip tip cheepee is a wild midi-controller keyboard.


See also: the 2009 resources page.

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