
Music Hack Day Boston

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Saved by Jon Pierce
on November 23, 2009 at 3:26:19 pm

Music Hack Day Boston

November 21-22

Microsoft NERD

One Memorial Drive

Cambridge, MA




** Update **

Music Hack Day Boston has concluded. Check out all the wonderful hacks that were built!



What to bring?

  • Bring your hacking tools of choice: laptop, ethernet patch cords, toolbox, arduinos, synths, your imagination
  • We'll supply: power, wireless network, hacking space, meals, snacks, stimulation (of the intellectual kind)



Keeping in touch during the Music Hack Day weekend is important.  Here are a few ways to make sure that you know what is going on. 



Want to learn how to use a new API or how to build an electronic instrument? 



Have an idea you'd like to share or want to pair up with others on a project?



Want to share links or information about resources (APIs, platforms, tools, etc.) that might be useful in creating projects?



Want to show off your work?



Email Jon at contact@jonpierce.com

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