EchoNestLive lets producers sample songs in ways they never have before. Using EchoNest's APIs to analyze songs and using Java, Max/MSP, Ableton Live and MaxForLive to play back pieces of a song based on specified pitches, loudness levels, timbres, and other parameters.
Code now available here -
Original Objectives
- Inform your Ableton live set with data from Echnonest.
- Create a Max/MSP java external that can post mp3's over HTTP and retrieve analysis information from Echonest.
- Make this external control playback of audio in Max/MSP
- House this max patch in Max4Live to allow for dynamic control and playback.
- Bundle a distributable version for Max and Ableton Live
- Add more filters for Echo Nest data
- Release source code (after we clean it up some ;)
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